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Partnering for skill, partnering for size

A large IT services organization approached Quintessence to help them construct a proposal to win a large DME billing business, for whom they were already building software platforms.

Problem Definition

Being new to billing services, the IT services organisation sought to partner with our team. They were internally referenced to us and were counting on our specialised skills and experience, working on a similar engagement elsewhere, in terms of size and complexity.

Solution Partnership

The nationwide DME company dealt with thousands of claims every day across an elaborate and diverse product mix. The variables were manifold, and the scrutiny of the multi-million-dollar solution was to be done by a team of 21 client stakeholders including the C-Suite.

While the IT company brought to play enormous resources and technical wherewithal, we put together our combined experience of 200+ man years in the RCM space and some specialized expertise in DME and in building large teams, processes, systems and controls.

Quintessence started off scoping, requirement documentation, process and workflow mapping, existing application portfolio and functionality capture, stakeholder interviews over a period of 13 grueling weeks.

The call to action involved building a delivery engine comprising 1200 strong delivery capability across 4 locations and 3 countries over the next 18 months. It included application development, customization, process reengineering, transition, training, ramp up and Quality assurance.


The performance improvement boosters we built in the solution as well as the AR follow up algorithms, won the deal for our partner.

Year of engagement 2015.

The SOW has since been renewed and grown to nearly 1450 FTEs.


Over the last 10 years of Quintessence (and 20 years in the business) we have delivered services to customers whose requirements cover the full spectrum of business strategies.

We work with customers on Full service on a % of collections model; to others, with discrete processes on a per unit fee. We also helped customers in their strategic pursuit of setting up offshore delivery centers, create and enhance delivery capabilities, and helped soft launch their offshore operations. It all has added to our experience, proficiency in the business and a certain versatility to tackle curve balls.

To find out how Quintessence can impact your business, contact:
Ashok Menon on +1-410-630-4774 today.


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