Quintessence is now a Firstsource company! Learn More

Build. Operate. Transfer. Support.

A multi-specialty billing company with a nationwide customer base and multiple delivery centers across the US and offshore, intended to set up captive capabilities in India. The company handles over 2 million encounters that are hospital based specialties and about quarter a million office visits.

Problem Definition

The major objectives in looking for an alternate in a second geography was to distribute risks, take advantage of a more competitive cost base and use the talent depth on offer. Having met, discussed and getting to know us, an inherent expectation was that we will be able to increase the benchmarks on productivity and build a rugged training module.

Solution Partnership

We set about mapping their business, processes, workflows and understanding their proprietary systems. Our leads visited their offices and conducted work and time study as well as transition interviews for an in-depth perspective of the challenges and the objectives.

Quintessence recruited and trained coders and billers tailored for the client’s businesses. A custom training module incorporating the unique aspects of their business was prepared and experienced trainers conducted pilot batches. Every aspect of the progress was tracked for analysis.

We also did a platform review and enhanced its prowess by adding functionalities in the areas of audit queues, error queues, multi pathways and optimizing workflows to eliminate certain wasteful approvals and validations.

We created a rule and edit checklist and updated the system to automatically guide coders towards arriving at the correct codes and bringing forward the edit check at the coder level from the transmission level.


By Month 6, we had trained and ramped up nearly 100 staff at a mean performance level of 106% of long term average in productivity. By Month 9, the RoI had reached positive territory and we transferred the operation over to the client by Month 12, all primed for scale and efficiencies.

We still are asked by many in the industry as to why did we accept an assignment of such a nature, building capabilities for a potential competitor.

We feel it was a test of our capabilities to deliver effective delivery programs under variable business conditions. It has given us a relationship that we cherish and a brand ambassador that is highly respected in the market.

Year of engagement 2016

Status: Operations have since scaled manifold and remains a highly important cog in the client’s market competitiveness.

Over the last 10 years of Quintessence (and 20 years in the business) we have delivered services to customers whose requirements cover the full spectrum of business strategies.

We work with customers on Full service on a % of collections model; to others, with discrete processes on a per unit fee. We also helped customers in their strategic pursuit of setting up offshore delivery centers, create and enhance delivery capabilities, and helped soft launch their offshore operations. It has all added to our experience, proficiency in the business and a certain versatility to tackle curve balls.

To find out how Quintessence can impact your business, contact:
Ashok Menon on +1-410-630-4774 today.


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