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How To Increase The Value Of Your Medical Billing Company

Medical billing companies must stay competitive, consistently improve their claim processing and reimbursement rate, maintain great relationships with clients, and keep learning. It sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? While doing all this, such companies shouldn’t forget their valuation. A company’s market value is its trump card. It helps attract investors, improve the client base, and enhance recognition.

If mergers and acquisitions are plans on the table, that’s another reason you need to increase your company’s value.

Here are six innovative ways to increase the value of your medical billing company.

1.Concentrate on client base and relationships

There are a few reasons why having a more extensive client base is beneficial than working with just a handful of customers.

Firstly, the risk is lower. If your client suddenly decides to leave you, unless you have other equally important clients, your value is going to plummet down. Secondly, most clients have their own payout periods. With multiple clients, your company can enjoy consistent cash flow throughout the year.

When you maintain good relationships with your clients, there is a high chance that your clients will refer your services to others and talk well about you. All these increase your value amidst other medical billing companies.

2.Focus on your costs

At the end of the day, your market value primarily depends on the revenues and profits you reap. That’s why you should be focusing on your costs. All companies incur costs. However, how well they handle costs is the difference between a highly successful and a mediocre company. You may be generating a very handsome revenue. However, are the profits equally jaw-dropping? Or do they trickle down, thanks to excessive and uncontrolled expenses? Your profit margin helps improve or pull back the value of your company.

According to experts, manpower is a critical expense that these medical billing companies need to learn to handle. Your workforce cost has to be less than 50% of your total revenue. If not, it means you are spending more here than what’s profitable for you.

3.Invest in tools and technologies

Now, technology can be your biggest asset if you hold on to it just right. As a medical billing company, some of your most vital focuses have to be on accuracy, speed, and compliance.

How would you feel if we told you that these could be achieved quickly with the help of the right tools?

Quintessence depends majorly on its RCM technology tools to get processes done right. Our AI-based tools, (ML based) Reimburssence and Codessence, have been our backbones to grow successfully in such a competitive space.

The tools and technology that you invest in add to your market value. A technically advanced company is valued more than a company that still depends on manual processing. Automation will help you grow internally as a team and externally as a brand.

It is now inevitable for medical billing companies to invest in such tools to better their processes for holistic growth.

4.Consider outsourcing

You may be surprised, but your market value actually increases when you decide to outsource some of your processes. We are talking from experience and with the correct data in hand. Check these facts out.

  • Studies say that small companies can grow aggressively and quickly when they outsource some of their processes to third-party companies.
  • A 2014 survey by Deloitte says that companies across different industries prefer outsourcing to handle regulation changes and technological requisitions better. This definitely holds good for medical billing companies
  • When you outsource, you can concentrate on your core competencies and let other experts support you from the outside. This paves the way for overall growth.
  • All companies have the pressure to go global now. Outsourcing medical billing and coding to a partner in another country suddenly open up newer opportunities for you in terms of markets and client bases.
  • It is common knowledge that outsourcing helps you save overhead costs that could be added to your profits, thereby quickly increasing your company’s value.

The medical billing industry is backed up by speed and reliability. By outsourcing your workload to a reliable partner, you can grow at the pace you want and focus on building profits and clients. Quintessence is a perfect offshore medical billing partner you can rely on.

With a team of expert billers and coders and a combined work experience of about 100 years, we handle medical billing processes like a pro and support you end to end.

5.Build on your expertise

Your team’s expertise is your biggest asset. Make sure you bank and build on this factor to increase the value of your brand. Expertise could be built in different ways.

  • Invest in extensive training and learning programs for your employees
  • Be aware of the latest compliances and government acts that may affect the medical billing industry
  • Be a part of medical billing networking groups. There is so much you can learn from industry veterans and competing brands.

Quintessence considers our training and development processes very critical to our success. In fact, the comprehensive training that we provide is a top reason why employees choose to join us. Metis, our training platform, has helped our employees stay abreast of the latest training and learning sessions while working from home.

6.Work on your online presence

The brand value of your company is the replacement value of your brand. It is the financial gauge of how much you may be worth at that moment. Your online presence plays a role in increasing your brand value too.

Here are ways you can increase your online value.

  1. Build a website if you don’t have one already. Invest in re-tweaking or renovating the existing website if it is not working right for you.
  2. Create valuable and engaging content that’s original. Make sure your content connects with your stakeholders.
  3. Make use of social media. All medical billing companies would benefit from social platforms. It could be for promoting your brand, finding clients, or building a social network. All these helps increase your brand value online and aid with recognition.

Along with our end-to-end RCM services, Quintessence can also help you kick start your online presence with our digital marketing expertise. We can create a step-by-step process that you need to follow to start increasing your digital presence. Be it LinkedIn to reach out to your prospects or Facebook to improve your brand presence, Quintessence can lead the way.


Any brand that consistently works on improving its value will grow better, get better opportunities, and set the bar for the rest of the competitors. While focusing on meeting SLAs, getting new clients, and expanding, consider investing time and efforts in improving your financial, social, and operational values.

Medical billing companies that are valued more have the upper hand in the mergers and acquisition market. Their brand value will hold them strong and help them grow or scale up in the right direction.

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